Jun 15, 2023
Today on the show a conversation about reproductive issues faced by the LGBTQ+ population. To guide this conversation our guests today are a part of the ASRM LGBTQ+ SIG, past chair Dr. Mark Leondires, Medical Director at Illume Fertility and incoming chair Dr. Bhuchitra Singh, the Director of Clinical Research Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics, Division of Reproductive Sciences & Women's Health Research.
Link to the ASRM LGBTQ Landing Page is: https://www.asrm.org/membership/asrm-member-groups/special-interest-groups/groups/lgbtq-special-interest-group-lgbtqsig/
Contact Dr. Singh at bsingh10@jhmi.edu
Contact ASRM at asrm@asrm.org