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Subscribe to the ASRM Today Podcast - a podcast that takes a deeper dive into current topics in reproductive medicine. And what is in that dive? ASRM Today brings you episodes that explore reproductive medicine through personal interviews and expert discussions, keeping up with the topics that matter.

The ASRM Today Podcast is supported in part by the ASRM Corporate Member Council.

ASRM Today is part of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) family of podcasts. Listen to more ASRM podcasts:

SART Fertility Experts     Fertility and Sterility On Air

Oct 29, 2020

"One of the biggest challenges that PGT (preimplantation genetic testing) has presented to the field of IVF is this phenomenon of mosaic results - these results that neither clearly normal nor clearly abnormal but somewhere in between." - Emily Mounts, MS, CGC

Mosaicism is very challenging topic and there are many...

Oct 22, 2020

In this episode, we have a special guest, Dr. Karl Hansen, professor and Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center and expert in reproductive endocrinology and infertility.  

Determining optimal treatments for unexplained infertility can be challenging,...

Oct 15, 2020

On today's episode, we have a special guest, Dr. Christos Coutifaris, who joins us to discuss the newest update from the ASRM COVID-19 Task Force. 

Dr. Coutifaris has been an integral part of the task force since its inception, working alongside other task force members to review and provide regular updates on how...

Oct 8, 2020

In this episode Dr. Anne Steiner sits down to talk about putting together the latest journal from Fertility and Sterility, F & S Reviews.

If you would like to subscribe and read F & S Reviews, please visit the website at 

The ASRM Today podcast is supported in part by the ASRM Corporate...

Oct 1, 2020

In this episode, Dr. Amy Sparks discusses the upcoming Postgraduate Program at the 2020 ASRM Virtual Scientific Congress & Expo and what's in store for attendees. She is the chair of the Postgraduate Program.

Dr. Amy Sparks is Clinical Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Reproductive Endocrinology and...