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Subscribe to the ASRM Today Podcast - a podcast that takes a deeper dive into current topics in reproductive medicine. And what is in that dive? ASRM Today brings you episodes that explore reproductive medicine through personal interviews and expert discussions, keeping up with the topics that matter.

The ASRM Today Podcast is supported in part by the ASRM Corporate Member Council.

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SART Fertility Experts     Fertility and Sterility On Air

Aug 13, 2020

"So the question is, why do we need to dilute the submissions by sending some of them to another journal? But in reality over the past few years the acceptance rate at Fertility and Sterility has dropped so much that there's really lots and lots of very good science that has to go elsewhere."
- Richard J. Paulson, M.D., M.S.

It has been seventy years since the publication of the first issue of the medical journal Fertility and Sterility and the publishing landscape continues to evolve towards more open access journals. Our guest on the show today is Dr. Rick Paulson, and we sat down to talk about the new open access journal F&S Reports.

Visit F&S Reports at

The ASRM Today podcast is supported in part by the ASRM Corporate Member Council.